Teacher Resource

Use our pack of resources and guides to create your own Young Voices Project:

This pack contains the following;

A "how to guide", which explains the value of a co-creating campaigns with young people, our top tips and some session plans for how you could go about this (we can offer the expertise of our youth engagement officers for up to 2 hrs per school in a consultancy capacity).
Access to all seven,   young people created campaigns, on the topic of Peer to Peer harms and healthy relationships (5 videos, a mural/jigsaw and a podcast series) – these could be used as part of a RHSE session.
Poster designs which reflect the messages of the campaigns – examples in different size formats, and aimed at staff, students and parents/carers
Sample social media posts (as demonstrated above)
A pull-up banner which sets out a schools pledge on peer to peer harm

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For creation of bespoke design pieces for your school or project, do contact our design partner at