What is the Whole School Approach

As part of our ongoing work with Plymouth Schools, with the aim of sexual abuse prevention, we have developed a whole school approach model that aims to address peer to peer harms.

Effective and high quality RHSE forms part of a Whole School Approach to mental health and wellbeing.  It applies to all of the school community  and encourages all to play a part in creating an environment with a shared set of values.  Whole school approaches  are reflected in all aspects of school culture, from what is taught (in all lessons not just RHSE), school policies including behaviour management, safer recruitment and even how the physical environment of the school is presented and maintained. Many leading charities and organisations (sex education forum, PHSE association, NSPCC, mentally healthy schools) advocate whole school approaches as more effective than piecemeal unconnected activities, policies and practices.

We invite you to explore this portal via the interactive model. We hope that your school will join us in the aim of preventing peer to peer harm by utilising as much of this framework as you can. We are keen to engage schools in ongoing dialogue about what works, what doesn’t and why in order to aid learning development and continuous improvement.

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01752 422577